Mastering the Lightside

I am a lover of all things Star Wars.  The epic battle of good versus evil fought across galaxies  calls to me at a deeply personal level.  I have always used stories to project truth into my life, to help me clarifying meaning, as I struggle against life’s obstacles battling away from darkness and towards the light.  Sitting in a darkened theater watching the saga unfold another chapter, I am struck by the message of what it means to be Jedi Master, what it means to guide others towards lightside and away from darkness.  It takes hope to believe in the light inside of others, it takes faith to keep seeking even as the light seems to fade, and above all it takes courage when the night presses in.

My life is full of Padawan Learners,  Training in my house and my classroom, I encourage them towards a path of mindfulness. I work to stir up in them a longing for fulfillment through personal growth.  My weapon of choice against the darkness is the power of habits.  I teach them the potential of discipline to crush indulgence, the ability of sacrifice to cripple greed, and the promise of self-regulation to lead to a lifetime of intrinsic motivation.  Yet, along the way I must fight my own battles of faith, or risk a self imposed exile to regain hope and strength.

Teaching children to reflect on their choices is not easy, but again and again I am struck by their ability to comprehend the message.  Starting each day with a commute ride and a morning meeting where I share how I use failure to move forward in my own life is demanding, but it creates a culture of growth mindset.  For me, each day is its own separate scrimmage where spiritual forces play out in my actions.  Somedays I move powerfully against the giants of illiteracy, defeat, and indifference.  Other days weakened by exhaustion I fail to meet the challenge.  And yet, each day when I look back I see my Padawans watching.

They observe me as I move through the crusade for justice.  Celebrating my successes, they replicate my actions, offering kindness and forgiveness to one another.  And yet, they also sense my weakness, as their words and deeds can be razor sharp with judgement and intolerance.  Still, the more I grow, the more I focus on the positive, the more I am filled with compassion, joy, and love, the more they are at peace.  

And so I find, the war I fight is an inward battle for my own heart and mind.  I believe, being a master is not about being all powerful or immune to the darkside, but it is about letting others watch as you continuously seek the light. In the end, dawn always breaks the darkness.  In the end, hope is the path to redemption.  In the end, I will rest knowing I have poured myself out to light the path towards Truth and Life.  

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